Hip pain
Do you find that lying on your side or climbing stairs is becoming more challenging than it used to be? Do you find that, especially after rest or in the morning, you are plagued by stabbing hip or groin pain? Then you feel like many other people who are on a journey to find relief from hip pain.
You may have already received one or two diagnoses after several examinations, including hip impingement, meralgia paraesthetica, joint degeneration, hip joint inflammation (coxitis) due to arthritis, hip dysplasia or hip joint arthrosis or coxarthrosis. Have you considered an artificial hip joint because of this pain? We want you to be able to manage without one, and only have an operation if really needed. Because even an artificial hip joint can get arthrosis and cause pain.
One-sided movements trigger pain, inflammation, and cartilage damage. Muscles and fascia become tense and 'shorten' because our lifestyles only use about 10% of our body's movement capacity. Tension builds up around the joint, restricting movement. When the fascia, the connective tissue, becomes matted because it isn't used, it pulls the joint unevenly on all sides. This affects the joint negatively because of the lack of nutrient absorption and removal. Uneven pressure causes cartilage abrasion, leading to joint pain and potentially arthritis.
Liberation of pain
Helena applies osteopressure to specific pain receptors in the periosteum, which signals the brain to relax muscles and fascia. If the pain goes down in the first session, we know it's from tight muscles and fascia. Her stretches also provide long-term relaxation of muscles and fascia. Which is why this therapy works on the cause of the pain, and could prevent the need for a surgery.
'No medical advice' disclaimer: If you experience any chronic pain, I recommend you to go to your doctor first. Helena is not a doctor or any kind of medical professional and cannot make any diagnosis. The therapy and information Helena provide serve exclusively to help you to help yourself in case of well-being disorders. Please read my full medical disclaimer here.